Tag Mistweaver Monk

John Barrymore January 28, 2024 17 minutes
In this blog post, the author provides a retrospective on the Mistweaver Monk specialization in the Dragonflight expansion and discusses their hopes for the spec's evolution in the upcoming expansion, The War Within. They also explore the changes Mistweaver has undergone and the potential improvements that could be made to enhance the gameplay experience.
John Barrymore December 08, 2023 3 minutes
The blog post discusses the latest Patch 10.2.5 PTR development notes, including changes to Mistweaver Monks, increased Dragonriding speed, updates to Bel'ameth, and more. It also mentions the availability of Azerothian Archives for testing and various renaming and damage changes for different classes and abilities.
John Barrymore September 22, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard has revealed upcoming changes to Mistweaver Monks on the Patch 10.2 PTR, focusing on defensive abilities and the Guardians of the Dream tier set. The changes aim to make Mistweavers less squishy, reduce the need for active spell use, and improve the viability of Expel Harm. Additionally, functionality issues with the tier set will be addressed in future PTR builds.